MKTG NaM - pasek na kartach artykułów

Matura 2017. Zobacz rozwiązania przykładowych testów maturalnych z języka angielskiego

Matura 2017. W czwartek 4 maja rozpoczną się egzaminy maturalne. U nas już teraz znajdziecie przykładowe testy maturalne z języka polskiego, języka angielskiego i matematyki, a także rozwiązania do nich.

1. 1.b; 2.a; 3.a; 4.c; 5.b; 6.a,
2. a, b, f, g, i, j, l,
3. 1.c; 2.e; 3.f; 4.b; 5.d; 6.a,
4. 1d; 2c; 3b; 4a,
5. 1.d; 2.c; 3.b; 4.e; 5.a;
6. lawyer, guilty, city council, poverty,
7. 1 – a, g, l; 2 – c, e, k; 3 – d, h, j; 4 – b, f, i,
8. 1. F, 2. T, 3. F, 4. F, 5. F, 6. T,
9. a, b, a, a,
10. f, a, e, c, d, b,
11. 1 – a, b, c; 2 – a, d; 3 – a, b, d,
12. 1/d, 2/e, 3/a, 4/f, 5/b, 6/c

1. 1d, 2a, 3c, 4f, 5b, 6e,
2. 1) is drinking, 2) are you washing, 3) are listening to, 4) are staying, 5) isn’t playing, 6) is your mum talking,
3. 1) has been, 2) have known, 3) have learnt, 4) have broken, 5) Have you phoned, 6) has gone, 7) have bought, have booked, 8) has started, 9) Has she passed, 10) has improved,
4. 1) a, 2) d, 3) b, 4) f, 5) c, 6) e,
5. 1) Were the children painting a picture? 2) Was Clark repairing his computer? 3) Was Hazel swimming in the pool? 4) Was Lucas having a shower? 5) Were Jason and Aron running down the street?
6. 1) hadn’t seen, 2) hadn’t locked, 3) hadn’t practised, 4) hadn’t done, 5) hadn’t bought, 6) hadn’t closed,
7. 1) will help, 2) will get, 3) will win, 4) will do, 5) will buy, 6) will do,
8. 1) were driving, passed, 2) arrived, were looking, 3) was relaxing, were gambling, 4) entered, were playing,
9. 1) are you doing, am studying, 2) always does, 3) usually visit, 4) is wearing, 5) do you come, 6) is having, 7) Do you drive, 8) does Betty go, 9) isn’t reading, is playing, 10) loves,
10. 1) do, are watching, 2) am cooking, 3) am working, 4) washes, 5) is washing, 6) do you usually have, 7) are you having, 8) am not having, 9) don’t know, 10) Are you watching, 11) Do you watch, 12) start,
11. 1) a, 2) a, 3) a, 4) a, 5) a, 6) a,
12. 1) have known, 2) have been waiting, 3) has just answered, 4) have been reading, 5) has already seen, 6) has been painting, 7) has been using, 8) have been,
13. 1) has already written, 2) moved, 3) was, 4) haven’t been, 5) went, 6) Did they spend,
14. 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5b, 6a, 7a, 8b, 9a, 10b

1. 1a, 2b, 3a, 4a, 5b, 6b, 7a,
2. 1) a, the, 2) The, 3) -, the, 4) -, 5) The, the, 6) the, 7) -, the, 8) a, -, 9) The, a, -, 10) The, 11) -, 12) the, -, 13) The, the, 14) the, -, 15) The, the, a, 16) -,
3. 1) few, 2) little, 3) little, 4) few, 5) a lot of, 6) much, 7) many,
4. 1) some, 2) any, 3) any, 4) some, 5) some, 6) Any,
5. 1) every, 2) every, 3) each, 4) every, 5) each,
6. 1) at, at, 2) of, 3) of, 4) at, 5) on, 6) in, 7) at, 8) on, 9) to, 10) in,
7. 1) fish, 2) mice, 3) three good pieces of advice, 4) hair is, 5) five sheep, two deer, 6) your luggage, 7) glasses, shelves, 8) fruit, 9) information, 10) The police are, 11) an endangered species, 13) dresses, 14) loaves, 15) money is,
8. 1) safer, the safest, 2) richer, the richest, 3) more interesting, the most interesting, 4) better, the best, 5) more comfortable, the most comfortable, 6) cheaper, the cheapest,
9. 1) c, 2) b, 3) b, 4) c, 5) a, 6) a, 7) b, 8) c, 9) a, 10) a

Autor: Joanna Urbaniec

od 7 lat

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